Monday, 2 June 2014

[WORK] Drastically improve productivity of copy/paste routines

Today I want to introduce to you the possibility to drastically improve your work at PC. As we know the 80% of the time we spend is based on the reuse of previous work: for this reason we use a lot the copy (or cut) and paste operation.
Very often we've to copy non contiguous parts of a source document and paste then later to the new destination one.
This process is very boring because we loose a lot of time switching between the two documents: also if we've a wide monitor with the two documents tiled.
The process tend to be slower if we have to copy again a previous content already copied some time ago.
After all what is the real problem? The simple reason is that the copy/paste operation is single and the common operating systems does not provide a more efficient process.

So how we can speedup the process of to copy? It's simple: using the buffering of the copies!
To buffer a copy means to "save" the current copy in a container (of the copies) that acts as a LIFO (Last In First Out) queue. In more simple words we can think about a way of working of an elevator: usually the first ones are in the opposite side of the door, this make possible to the other people to occupy the remaining places towards the door until the elevator is full. The first ones will exit later than the last ones: this is the natural human implementation of a LIFO queue.

Depending on what kind of work you have to do, copy buffer are very useful and efficient when you have to continuously copy and paste contents from a source to a destination document. Best improvements are when we have to frequently copy near single sentences to another document: for example a journal article.

Online there are a lot of software that make the buffering of the copies and, among them, I prefer and use every day Ditto.
I do not want to do a review of this SW but I want only put on the attention about the possibility of configure keyboard shortcuts for the last ten copies as shown in the following figure:
Fig.1 Ditto shortcuts configuration
I've chosen CTRL+"numbers" where the copy in the position 1 (CTRL+1) is the most recent and the CTRL+0 is the 10th.
In order to show the benefit of this kind of work I'll show to you the following demo video:

I've done some little mistakes during the Ditto session and the boost of speedup is evident!
Great tool!

See ya!


  1. Hi yuri, I have saved the keyboard shortcuts. but when I copy 1 clip it comes to the 1st position and order of clips is getting changed. how to make it constant. and thanx for the nice article!!

  2. Hi Pratyush, thanks for the feedback and I'm glad that you liked the post.
    About your question, Ditto works as LIFO queue so it's natural that the Keyboard shortcuts map on the corresponding position in the queue. Having them fixed I think that could be a problem because they will be not aligned with the buffer after more than ten copies.
