As promised I will show to you the main benefits but also some limitations of the mental maps.
There's a lot of documentation about the theory of mental maps but I don't like to read like you so I want to focus your attention by spending few words to the PRO/CONS of this tool:
- Memorization
- Centralization of ideas
- Fast storing of information in less space after a brainstorming
- Easy to find repetitive cross ideas
- Natural and simple writing aspect
- Fastest way to rebuild the entire idea starting from every entity
- If our mind is "a bit complicated" the others can not understand the map and so our ideas
- The same idea can be present in more entities (crosslinking): too many can induce disorganization.
- If you want to draw a complex map by hand you need a big sheet (the Amazonian forest is happy :D)
See ya.
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