Tuesday, 24 September 2013

[LIFE/WORK] Mental maps - Part 2

As promised I will show to you the main benefits but also some limitations of the mental maps.
There's a lot of documentation about the theory of mental maps but I don't like to read like you so I want to focus your attention by spending few words to the PRO/CONS of this tool:

  1. Memorization
  2. Centralization of ideas 
  3. Fast storing of information in less space after a brainstorming
  4. Easy to find repetitive cross ideas
  5. Natural and simple writing aspect
  6. Fastest way to rebuild the entire idea starting from every entity
  1. If our mind is "a bit complicated" the others can not understand the map and so our ideas
  2. The same idea can be present in more entities (crosslinking): too many can induce disorganization.
  3. If you want to draw a complex map by hand you need a big sheet (the Amazonian forest is happy :D)
Try at least once to develop your mental map: you will find how easily your brain transfers ideas on your map. The reason is that the right side of our brain (creativity, passion etc.) is working for this, not the left one.

See ya.

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