First of all I prefer to categorize all the posts with a tag that identifies the topic. I'm building a mental map in order to better collect the topics. For those that don't know what is a mental map do not worry! I will dedicate an entire post for it during the next days.
Basically I've divided the work in 2 main topics related to our life:
- Private life -> [LIFE]
- Work -> [WORK]
This kind of topics cover the aspect of improving the way we live during the normal life.Very often I see people that lives in the same way as their friends, parents and they don't know that the things they do can easily be done in half or less time that they expect. This is mainly caused by the help of computer science but it's not all.
The topics of this section will help you to optimize the few time that we have when we are not at work. If you save time you can dedicate it to do more things or simply to rest!
Obviously this is not valid for the ones that doesn't have a work: but can be interesting for create ideas for creating a new one.
The objective is one: be more efficient and productive.
In most of all topics I will introduce to you one or several software: I want to underline that I do not sponsor them and often the web offers a better solution (with money). My scope is to show to you that there's a way (but not always by a software) to do the same thing with a different approach.
I prefer the open source SW but I admit that, in particular cases, the closed source SW or the pay SW can do the difference.
I hate the ones who prefers ONE kind of operating system: I hate the Linux geeks, the Mac disciples and common mortals of Windows. I think that I will dedicate a post that ironizes on every type of followers of operating systems.
See you later...
P.S.: Sorry for my rusty English and forgive me for any mistakes.
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