Wednesday, 9 July 2014

[LIFE] How to foresee whether you can afford to buy something.

Today I want to continue from my previous post about how to save money each month. In particular I want to highlight some advices that can considerably make your life easier.
In the  last post I explained the importance of tracking the expenses in order know where the money goes and quickly act to limit particular expenses in order to save money.
This post is dedicated to forecast your economic situation in the future.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

[LIFE] How to improve the sound quality of the iPad in 10 seconds.

Hi folks, today I want to make a very quick post about how to improve the sound quality of the Apple IPad (and I'm quite confident that is the same for the iPhone).

Monday, 2 June 2014

[WORK] Drastically improve productivity of copy/paste routines

Today I want to introduce to you the possibility to drastically improve your work at PC. As we know the 80% of the time we spend is based on the reuse of previous work: for this reason we use a lot the copy (or cut) and paste operation.
Very often we've to copy non contiguous parts of a source document and paste then later to the new destination one.
This process is very boring because we loose a lot of time switching between the two documents: also if we've a wide monitor with the two documents tiled.
The process tend to be slower if we have to copy again a previous content already copied some time ago.
After all what is the real problem? The simple reason is that the copy/paste operation is single and the common operating systems does not provide a more efficient process.

So how we can speedup the process of to copy? It's simple: using the buffering of the copies!

Saturday, 26 April 2014

[WORK] Regular expressions: improve speed of repetitive works...

What they are?
Regular expressions... most of all of us don't know what they are and why they're included in the common text editor software.
Today I want to introduce to the ones that never used them the reason of this powerful mechanism to manage strings.